Hey, so I know it has been a while since I wrote up a "real" post. Let's catch up.
School got out! Yeah, I passed both my classes, Russian 201 and Russian Literature. I got a B in Russian Lit, but I guess that's what happens when you turn in all your papers late, except one which never got handed in. I probably had time to do it; I just never got around to it. Oh well. It's over, and I'm glad.
Christmas was good. I am always glad to spend time with my family, and get a fruitcake from my mom. She told me I was a scrooge because I didn't go to the hassle of setting up a Christmas tree. Of course, she was just kidding, but my decorations consisted of taking the coil of rope lights to the porch, but never hanging them or turning them on. In fact, I just sent out the last two Christmas cards today. That's what happens when school gives you an excuse for procrastination.
One of my favorite writers is C.S. Lewis. You should check him out; he's that guy who wrote "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe." Every Christmas, I like to read a couple of essays that he wrote in the collection "
God in the Dock." They are titled "Xmas and Christmas" and "What Christmas Means to Me." You can use the search inside feature at Amazon to preview the essays (i.e. read the full text). You should get the book. You won't be disappointed.
Our (mine and Shannon's) New Year's Eve was pretty uneventful. We did get new (to us) furniture and
Rocky helped me move it. Thanks! Shannon's coworker, who we were buying the sofa and love seat from, had left a message for us. Since she wasn't feeling well enough to come to town she just left us a key and told us to take the furniture out the window. Well, I kind of forgot about the whole window thing, and Rocky and I did a good job banging up the freshly painted doorways. After our fair share of frustration, I saw and remembered the window. The couch went out it so easy. Oh, I just forgot, Rocky told me that it's a sofa, not a couch. He used to work at his dad's furniture store and they're more precise about such things. I guess I could get used to the phrase "sofa potato." Tired out from all that excitement, we waited until 12:00 said "Happy New Year," and went to bed. We did think about going to
First Night to see Peter's dad play in his Latin Jazz band, but we didn't feel like shelling out thirty bucks for tickets.
Then on the first, I drove over to Bozeman to see my sister Renee. I got to see her new apartment, and we went snowboarding at
Bridger the next day. It was great. Her friend Claire came along, or rather I came along with them. We did end up going home a little early because Renee hit her head kind of hard.
Then earlier this week, I hung up some new blinds in the living room, because the old curtains clashed with the new furniture. They will go to the dining room. Exciting, eh?
Now, I am working on the new Chi Alpha website. You can check it out on my personal computer turned web server
here. No guarantees on how long that link will stay active. Check it out, and let me know what you think.
One last thing, I wanted to dispel a common myth that Xmas is "taking the Christ out of Christmas." This isn't quite true. X or chi stands for Christ or more so the Greek "Χριστός". So just like XA is short for Chi Alpha which are the Greek letters abbreviating "Christ's Ambassadors", Xmas is short for Christmas. I suppose you could say Chi-mas (sounds like kie-mas) to be all Greek and stuff.