If you are the first one to guess what this is, I'll mail you one.


April said...

one?! that's hardly worth my time

Lance Fisher said...

Okay, really I was going to send the three other king size ones I have, but I know of one place in Missoula that sells these, and I will send five to the first person to guess correctly.

If five isn't worth your time, then you're probably working for more than minimum wage and know where to get these. ;)

Lance Fisher said...

Yea! Katie, you are totally right, but I don't have your new mailing address. Email it to me and all that Twin Bing goodness is yours.

Lance Fisher said...

I've seen them call worse things good in Alabama, like pickled pig's feet and pork grinds. But don't complain to me, they make the Twin Bing in Souix City, Iowa, and despite having nuts and being really sweet, it's not too bad.