I remember my friend Andrew telling me about an "alpine slide" he rode once in Tennessee, or maybe it was North Carolina. It was a track down the mountain on which you rode a little cart. Something like a personal, gravity powered rollercoaster. You could control the brakes. It sounded quite mystical to be honest. I've never heard of such a thing.

Anyway, today I just saw a pickup truck parked downtown with "Wiegandslide" printed on the side of it. It also had a url: www.wiegandslide.com. What can this mean for us Missoulians? Well, I speculate that someone is seriously considering building one here. There are three places I can think of that might consider this:
  1. Snowbowl
  2. Marshall Mountain (if they come back from the dead)
  3. Bitterroot Resort

I eliminated the Hiawatha Trail, because I think Lookout is run out of Idaho.

This is a great idea.


XAgirl said...

These things are awesome! I remember riding one as a kid. Granted, it was quite a few years ago, so i dont remember much. Id love to do it again, somehow.