What I particularly like about his music is that while it has Christian themes at times, it is not flat out praise and worship music. While I know that there is certainly a place for music with blatant praise, I think there is a niche to fill with more subtle lyrics. I was listening to Ravi Zacharias the other day, and he was talking about a conversation he had with a friend. Ravi mentioned to him that Billy Graham was speaking in town. His friend responded by saying, "that Billy, nice chap, not subtle enough for me." The point he was making is that Mr. Graham's style of preaching was the gospel plain and simple, and that works. We know. However, there are some people who it doesn't quite reach, or strengthen. Some people have questions at a different level, or are better served by being led to the answer, rather than given the answer. So whereas Hillsong or other praise and worship music has its place and purpose, that shouldn’t prohibit music like this from filling its purpose.
I have no idea what David Boone is like, or what his intentions are with writing music. I don’t even know if he is a believer. This is just the impression I get from his music, I could be wrong, but God uses all things. Rom 8.28.
Hmm... I just ran across this old article about Jars of Clay.
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