Today I bring you a joyous dicovery: they're back! But, can you believe that the good ol' Dilly Bar is up to $1 now-a-days? Jason tells me that the drop on top means that they are hand-made. His mother-in-law used to run a Dairy Queen. He said the trick was getting the right weight of ice cream. If it was too much then, well, that was okay, but if it was too little then you had to figure out how to add some.
In my opinion there are no Dilly Bars but the hand made ones. The others are just some kind of ice cream on a stick.
In other interesting ice cream news. P tells me that when he was a kid, back in Ukraine, ice cream wasn't so easy to get. It was only availabe every now and then, and when it was the special ice cream kiosks would open up and sell one of three flavors: vanilla, chocolate, or coffee. It's funny how things change. Today, I can walk across the street from my house and get hand-made ice cream delivered from Big Dipper.
I guess all this is proof that sometimes things do change for the better.