Today's high was 74, the temperatures seem to be dropping. From the 15th to the 18th we had a little streak of all-time highs. This is the longest streak of all-time highs in the month of May for Missoula. Guess what happens when we have really hot weather in the spring here? Floods. That's right all the snow pack melts, and the rivers run really high.

As I promised, J.J. and I went to the farmers' market, and then went hiking. Kim the empanada lady was at the Clark Fork River Market selling empanadas. So I got three. Two for me and one for Rocky, who was stuck at work. Just before that I got a few cucumbers from a Russian lady selling them at the old school farmers' market. Then it rained. Then we went to Liquid Planet. Then we saw Rachael, then we saw Rocky, and then we saw Peter and Megan, but they didn't see us.

We decided to go to Blodgett canyon over Cold Lakes in the Missions. It was a great day. We hiked about eleven miles. Oh yeah, and I looked for my keys at the crash site, but didn't find them.


lafalda said...

lancelot we did an audioblog in krakow. did it not work_ it stopped us at 5 min but we followed instructions correctlz. how are zou_ question mark. cant find it on the sk kezboard. we just got to banska bzstrica. i miss banovce alreadz.

Lance Fisher said...

Argh! That audioblogger is starting to get annoying. I did a test post a while back and it worked fine, but when I did an interview with Courtney it didn't work for some reason. I guess the only option right now is to keep trying.

I'm doing fine here. I've been working on the yard, and going to Sean Kelly's on Tuesdays to play trivia. Things are quiet here with all of you gone.

Please tell me once more when you are supposed to be back. I know there are three different return groups, and you're last by far, but if I have it in writing I won't forget. I want to plan a welcome back party.