Well, while I was over there fending off the urge to do my homework, and I got a call from my dear little sister. She was on her way to Missoula! As is almost tradition, we went out for sushi. It's addicting. Then she took off for my parent's house. My dad was going to help her change her oil before she left for Portland. She's off to do some spring break snowboarding at Mount Hood. Fun, fun! I told her that she should check out Powell's bookstore while she's there. Not that I've been there, but everyone raves about it.
Yep, she's already on spring break, and we don't have it for another week and a half here at the 'ol U of M. But when we do, I've decided to go to the Canyonlands.
cody looooooooves that game!!! i think he even got the soundtrack for it...is it called a "soundtrack" when it's from a video game? well, all i know is he's been playing me this weird japanese (or something) techno (or something) music as of late. in between playings of volumen's new album, that is.
I think you still call it a soundtrack...
I was just telling someone the other day that you could buy the soundtrack to this game, because the music is cool and original. Now that I look, it seems that the soundtrack to the original game is only on the Japanese Amazon, but the soundtrack to the sequel "We Love Katamari" is on the U.S. Amazon. There is an album out there that is not the soundtrack, but looks like it would be.
I think we will have this game at the St. Patrick's Day party tomorrow.
it's addicting just watching people play that katamari game.
oh Powells is a MUST DO
but schedule some time
and budget some money
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