Well, we got in another game of Russian Scrabble the other night. Jess wasn't able to play this time, so it was just Jamey, Tim, and I. Tim was in my Russian class last semester. He's a pretty cool guy, and this was the first time he came to play. We keep trying to get his girlfiend to come play with us. She speaks Russian because she is from Belarus.

The Florence hotel lobby is a really cool place to play. I think it is relatively unknown. The hotel was built way back in the 1800s, but burnt down in 1937. Then they rebuilt it, and recently they just renovated it again. It is a pretty classy place, and they sell coffee. However I think the coffee stand closes at five or something. So it wasn't open while were there from eight to ten. I don't think we would have normally been able to get into the lobby, but there was someone cleaning the glass doors, and she let us in.
Later on, Jess stopped by with her friend Beth. Just to say hi for a couple of minutes. Overall, it was a pretty cool evening in a pretty neat place.
And now for some more Russian-Spanish cognates (sorry these might not be as interesting):
папа = papa
мама = mama
интересный = interesante
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