Gardening, the stone is the backbone of the garden. I'm really in to it too. I suppose you could call me a gardenerd, because that's what makes a nerd right? Being in to something. It helps when not many other people are in to the same thing, but that's okay, I wear my nerd badge with pride. I have been taking pictures of the retaining wall project in its stages, so when it's done I can do a before and after thing, maybe even a "this is how you build a retaining wall" thing.
I think some people like running over my garbage can lids. I don't know why. Maybe it is becuase I'm a bad neighbor. This is why I'm a bad neighbor:
1. I don't talk to my neighbors much.
2. I haven't planted grass in my backyard yet, and according to the covenents it was supposed to be done about two and a half years ago.
3. The front yard didn't have grass until last year.
4. The convertible horse trailer is a bit of an eyesore.
5. I steal my neighbor's garbage cans.
6. I leave my garbage can lids in the alley when they get blown over.
You are probably wondering about number five there, eh? Well, there was this garbage can sitting in my front yard for over a week last winter. I didn't know whose it was, so I thought if I just left it there someone would come and pick it up. After a week though I got tired of having a garbage can in my front yard so I put it in my garage. Well, not too long ago I discovered that it has some numbers and a street written on it. I keep forgetting to bring it over there, but right now it's predisposed holding a bunch of scrap wood in my garage anyway. After the bonfire, I think I'll do the right thing. I don't know when the bonfire will be.
lance, hey. thanks for coming by my blog. good to meet you. i do have a suggestion, if you've got all that memory, you could send some over here. i need a bit more.
Lance, does your nerd badge look anything like this?
lance, thanks so much for checking into my portfolio. it's quite diverse, hope there was something in there yoou really liked.
ed, hillarious. period.
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