Where we last left off, I was working in the yard on a Bible study. It went really well, and we all got to water balloon Peter playing the part of Stephen. Then on Saturday I joined ed, rocky, lafalda, rael, jamey, and other non-blogging friends at the outdoor cinema. Every Saturday during the summer, some community-oriented citizens show a movie on the side of an old school building. Anyone can come and watch for free. They were showing Pee Wee's Big Adventure, which I must add was much better than I remember. If you haven't watched it in years, I would suggest checking it out. Since the motorcycle is now running, I rode it there. Here's a nice picture of Jamey checking it out.

Wednesday, we played Russian Scrabble at the Shack. Really, The Shack is the best place to play. I got lucky with the letters and won for the second time in a row!
Thursday, I attended a great Bible study of Acts 10 and 11 taught by lafalda and Rocky. We also had a guest named Brent, who is taking his family to Ireland where they will be college campus missionaries. It was exciting to hear from him.

Saturday I worked on dismantling the huge cat house I built a couple of winters ago, and then in the evening, Shannon and I went to the outdoor cinema with Aaron. Aaron's a great high school friend who I haven't seen in about five years. He was just visiting from Reno. Before we went to the movie we stopped by the mall to get some Hoagieville, and check out the rules on the Dance Dance Revolution contest. I just may enter. Well, I need to wrap this up. I'm heading to dinner at Fiesta En Jaliso to bid farewell to Dawn who is leaving for Kazakhstan on Tuesday.
Wow, sounds like you sure were busy. I just have to comment on what an awesome pictuer that was of Flathead Lake.
Lance!! Give me a ring when you are up in the Flathead again. ~Joe & Kelly
Thanks Tryna, I just realized that I forgot to make those last two photos links to bigger ones, but I fixed that now so you can see that photo in its original resolution splendor.
Joe, good to hear from you! I will certainly give you a call next time I'm up there.
NO JOKE, I took a picture exactly like this three years ago... I caught this cloud over Wild Horse Island with the sun streaming through the clouds by way of the East side... it's so gorgeous out there. Great photography Lance! (As Always!)
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