Eric Lippert, one of my favorite technical bloggers, recently wrote about the age old question, "why do mirrors reverse left and right, but not up and down?" Check it out.


emergen-c-man said...

I cant help but think because of how my brain hurts from reading the blog and trying to picture this super fish, that most if not at least some part is (B)algna (S)andwhiching, haha, but in some ways it sounds true but ha ill remember it the next time im shaving and thus staring at a mirror. Oh ps, I have saw a mirror that retuned the image accuratly without "so to speak" "reversing" left and right, it was in the COSI science building in Toledo Ohio. Dont ask me how it was accomplished. I have no clue.

emergen-c-man said...

thinking of how it was accomplished haha. The mirror infront of you appeared to be flat, there were mirrors on the outside of the centeral mirror which reflected a portion of the image unto the centeral thus twice "reversing" much like a kaleidoscope but a reverse of a kaleidoscope insted of splitting the image at the center and mirroring it, it took the ends of the image and brought it together in harmony in the center of the centeral mirror to recreate an apparently un "reversed" image of yourself. eithor that or they used alot of math.