Yesterday was the first day of school. Not the first day ever, just the first day of Fall Semester 2005. It is going to be a change after three months of summer break. Every year I wonder if I will be able to do it. I am genuinely excited to learn, however I worry about being able to keep up. I'm taking Russian 201, Russian 305L (Medieval Literature to Pushkin), and a one credit independant study, which is eight credits, which is the most I've ever taken while working full time.
I don't think it will be as difficult as some of the math classes I've had in the past, but it will be a lot of studying. I have been praying that I will be able to spend enough time on God, Shannon, work, school, and Chi Alpha. It's a challenge. I welcome your prayers too.
Lance, you have my prayers.
Thanks, ed.
Thanks, Lance.
btw, I could use some prayer on my financial aid, too.
Lancelot, I want you to know that I'm praying for you, but also that I'm willing to do your Russian homework for you... don't be silly... I insist. Consider it done.
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